Climate Change and the Energy Transition – preparing for a future without fossil fuels

With Government commitments to carbon net zero by 2050, the entire energy system of the Isle of Man will be transformed, impacting transport, power, heating and business activity as well as the Manx landscape.  Although there are a variety of ways in which society can become sustainable, not all of them are affordable or desirable.  The optimum path through the transformation will be one where all elements of society have played a part in building the future.  This course is designed to provide practical information on climate change, carbon emissions and renewable energy technologies around the world and will then focus on options for the Isle of Man.

The subjects to be covered are:

  • Background to global warming and its effects on the Earth

  • Units of power and energy, greenhouse gas emissions and carbon policies

  • Renewable energy technologies and their advantages and disadvantages

  • Electricity demand, power intermittency and storage options

  • Alternative fuels, including hydrogen and biofuels

  • Domestic heating, buildings and energy efficiencies

  • Infrastructure requirements for power and transport

  • Carbon bio-sequestration and sustainable agriculture

  • Future developments, threats and opportunities for the Isle of Man

  • Pragmatic scenarios, costs, the environment and society

This course will be run in three different formats: 1) for local businesses; 2) for the general public; 3) for schools and will be presented by Dr Dave Quirk of the Manx Geological Survey plus guest speakers from industry and academia.

Each course for the general public and for local businesses is planned to be taught in 3-hour modules over five days.  Two options will be available, a) where the course is held during the day over one working week with classes from 9.00-12.00; b) where the course is run over two weeks, classes held alternate days from 17.30-20.30.  An optional extra one-day workshop is planned where course participants will work in teams to develop a community vision for a sustainable Island.  The course for schools will be organized in consultation with teachers to fit with their preferences and curriculum demands.

Photograph is of solar panels at Mountain View Innovation Centre, Ramsey, Isle of Man


Achieving Net Zero Emissions - Continuing Professional Development Course